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I may not be the size you want me to be and that's okay, I may not have the texture of hair you want me have and that's okay, I may not have the booty or breast and that's okay, I may not speak the way you want me to speak and that's okay, I may not dress the way you want me to dress and that's okay, I may be a little thicker than you and that's okay, The complexion of my skin may not be what you want it to be and that's okay, I may not have the financial status you think I should have and that's okay, As long as I am happy with who I am that's all that matters, I will not be defined by others, I will not try and fit in what you think  I should fit in, I will not change the texture of my hair I was born with, don't hate because I was gifted with booty and breast, my financial status I worked hard for, I am who I need to be, where I need to be in the skin I need to be in and I am confident enough in myself that I don't have to meet anyone's else standards but my own, as long as I am happy that' s all that matters, deal with it, I am strong. The hair and the clothes don't make me< I make who I want to be, I validate myself I don't seek your approval,, I will not fit in the mold of who you think I should be,  I will not settle for the status of the weight you think I should be, I am beautiful regardless to the color of my skin, for when you bleed the color is red, I am strong even in my weakness, I am happy in my sadness, your mumble, whispers and stares does not phase me, I am great with hair or without hair, I am great making lots of money or a little money, I am great whether you like me or don't like the color of my skin or the texture of my hair, I think highly of me, I can't let you define me, I will not be an imitation of others, I am an original, my gifts are special to me. I AM AWESOME

I May Not Be......

I will do what is best for Me, My Best interest is important

I am who I am because of the words that have run me over, I am  who I am because of the blows that have floored me, I am who I am because I feel I am no longer stronger, I am who I am because some one said I was a goner, I am who I am because of the lies and tricks, I am who I am because some one was sick, I am who I am because of a generational curse, I am who I am because I allowed it to be, I am who I am because someone fooled me, I am who I am because love was not right, I am who I am because I did not put up a fight, I am who I am because it was easy to stay, I am  who I am because I refused to walk away, I am who I am because of signs I’ve ignored, I am who I am because the money was right, I am who I am because I did not see my worth, I am who I am because I did not see no way out, I am who I am, but now I am what I should be……………. FREE

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You are a Overcomer so Smile!!!

You can break down a Woman temporarily but a Real Woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself & come back stronger than ever

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Don't let fear stop you from living your best life. If you can envision it you can make it a reality. Trust yourself move forward to your dreams and make them a reality. Never stop dreaming or believing

Don't let anyone kill your Dreams

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Can you look in the mirror and say you are whole

Can you be honest with who you really are or are you still living in a shadow

Take the Band-aide off Wounds you have not Healed - Let your wounds HEAL

What part do you play in building a relationship or destroying a relationship because of denial


We are tied together with LOVE


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I'm Closing the Chapter of My Past.....Never Looking Back Moving Forward towards my Future

Our Black is Beautiful

My Black

is Beautiful

People look at the color of my skin and they think to themselves, I shouldn't be proud of who I am they think that there words should define who I am in the beauty of my skin or who they want me to be. You talk about the darkness of my skin yet you try to get your skin to look like my skin. I love who I am despite of what you say, my beauty is deep and the dark color will never go away. Love me for who I am or let me be; the beauty of this black skin is apart of me. Your nasty words and your ugly stares are ways to make me feel less than I am but I say to those who don't love my black beauty I don't give a damn, I will walk in confidence because this is what God made me to be, so I walk with my head held high and full of pride for the black beauty that I wear with pride, I am confident and I am strong my blackness is beautiful. You have the problem with the color of my skin I could care less what you think of me neither will your dislike of my skin make or break me. I was born with this beautiful chocolate skin, it doesn't crack or fade, so if you feel some type of way as it relates to the color of my skin, who gives a damn.  My black is amazing deal with it! 

Affirmation Daily Ladies

You are Special, You are Empowered, You are Beautiful, You are Strong, You are Resilient, You can accomplish Anything, You are Loved, You are Worthy, You are a QUEEN, You Deserve the BEST

of being Free and feeling great
Celebrate Freedom
the Weight is Lifted
Dance to your own music.

The Sound

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